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Alert: Professional Standards for the Asking

The BIH has just conducted a small survey which demonstrates that our registered practitioners rarely get asked by the public for evidence of their qualifications or credentials.   

As a result, the BIH wants to emphasis to the public that this is standard practise and requesting such information should not present the practitioner with any difficulty. Very often hypnotherapy practitioners offer their practise brochure and this gives full and transparent terms and conditions, directly relating to the services on offer.  

A brochure can also contain other relevant information such as a professional profile, details of the organisations the practitioner is registered with and copies of the Ethical Code of Conduct they practise by. All of which goes to securing a competent and ethical service. Very often the practitioner gives all such information via a website and such information can often be downloaded.

If you happen to be searching for a registered hypnotherapy practitioner, please do ask them to send you such information if it is not obviously available from their website.  

It is something that the BIH and other registering organisations regards as a basic professional standard. So look out for transparent terms and conditions, professional profiles, contact details of the organisations that register them, confirmation that they insured to work with the public. If you have any difficulties with gaining such information please contact the BIH and let us know.


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