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What is an Ethical and Competent Hypnotherapy Practitioner?

What is an Ethical and Competent Hypnotherapy Practitioner?

The Ethical and Competent Hypnotherapy Practitioner is:

  • Qualified and experienced and offers his/her professional profile to all who are interested.
  • A registered practitioner with a professional hypnotherapy organisation in the UK.
  • One who offers full terms and conditions in writing in an open and transparent manner.
  • A practitioner who adheres to the Code of Ethics and is subject to Complaints & Disciplinary Procedure of the organisation responsible for the registering the practitioner concerned.
  • Offers a verbal and written care plan before commencing session work, based upon the information given at the consultation.
  • One who never claims to be able to offer a 'cure', unless they are also medically qualified.
  • One who enables, encourages, empowers clients to become active and autonomous in their own recovery.
  • One who knows their own limitations in terms of offering effective services.
  • Likely to refer you to another more qualified, experienced practitioner if they themselves are unsure that they are able to help you.

An Ethical and Competent Hypnotherapy Practitioner:

  • Does not offer free services as an 'enticement' to clients, all of whom are considered vulnerable in some way by the very nature of their enquiry.
  • Does not offer guarantees as part of any agreement in the process of selling their services to you the client.
  • Does not pass critical or judgemental comment on another professional's work to you the client. If the practitioner has professional concerns about the intention of another practitioner, s/he will approach the registering organisation to register such concerns. Or support you the client to do the same with regards to such concerns.


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